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dr Bogusława Bober-Płonka

dr Bogusława Bober-Płonka
Neuropsychologist, specialist in clinical psychology. Experienced, long-standing practicioner in the diagnosis and neuropsychological therapy of adults and adolescents. Currently developing interests in the child's clinical neuropsychology. Cooperating in the therapeutic process with trusted specialists of neurology and psychiatrists.





Research and didactic employee at the Department of Neurobiology and Neuropsychology, Institute of Applied Psychology, Jagiellonian University. Initiator and tutor of the Pragma Therapy Neuropsychological Scientific Circle. Unit that carry out many scientific and therapeutic projects, both groups and individual. Among others: Memory Trainings, support groups and workshop activities for children, youth and adults with developmental and acquired CNS dysfunction, including dementia.

Author and co-author of numerous publications in the field of clinical neuropsychology. Initiator of scientific and research projects.

Senior Specialist in the Department of Neurology and Brain Strokes at Specialist Hospital Louis Rydygiera in Krakow. Supervisor of specialist traineeship, coordinator of internships and volunteering for psychologists and psychology students



  • clinical neuropsychology
  • diagnosis and neuropsychological rehabilitation
  • neurologopedics
  • psychotherapy
  • clinical psychology


In particular my interests are: neuropsychological rehabilitation of adults and children, differential diagnosis of early symptoms of organic dysfunction, including dementia, cognitive function training.

Teaching and clinical work is my passion. I endeavour to inspire others, as initiator and counselor: Student STN Pragma, student internships and specialist residency.

  • Neuropsychologiczna analiza funkcjonowania poznawczego po zabiegu lewostronnej  hemisferektomii w przebiegu zespołu Rasmussena — opis przypadku. Bogusława Bober-Płonka, Aleksandra Ćwięk, Polski Przegląd Neurologiczny, 2017, 13: 2 


    The Post Stroke Depression Scale (PSDRS) as a tool for evaluation of depressed mood at an early stage after cerebral stroke, Dorota Przewoźnik, Bogusława Bober-Płonka- Przegląd Lekarski 2016/ 73 / 9, p. 648-651.


    Wartość rodziny jako czynnik prognostyczno-terapeutyczny w kontekście choroby neurologicznej, Donata Liberacka, Bogusława Bober-Płonka, w; Współczesna Rodzina w Polsce-zagrożenia i nadzieje, red. E.Adasiewicz, S.Cudak, Studia i Monografie, Warszawa 2016, No 65, 217-228


    An analysis of performance in the Trail Making Test by subjects after a stroke with different lesion locations Anna Maria Rajtar-Zembaty, Bogusława Bober-Płonka, Anna Starowicz-Filip,  Dorota Anita Przewoźnik, Ryszard Nowak Neuropsychiatria  i Neuropsychologia 2015; 10, 1: 5–10


    Application of the Trail Making Test in the assessment of cognitive flexibility    in patients with speech disorders after ischaemic cerebral stroke. Anna Rajtar-Zembaty, Dorota Przewoźnik, Bogusława Bober-Płonka, Anna Starowicz-Filip, Jakub Rajtar-Zembaty, R. Nowak, R. Przewłocki Aktualności  Neurologiczne 2015, 15(1), p. 11–17


    PSDRS, BDI, MoCA and MMSE as screening tools for the evaluation of mood and cognitive functions in patients at the early stage of cerebral stroke Dorota Anita Przewoźnik, Anna Maria Rajtar-Zembaty, Bogusława Bober-Płonka, Anna Starowicz-Filip, Ryszard Nowak, Ryszard Przewłocki,  Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2015; 3: 32–39


Moduł: Neuronauka a neuropsychologia.

Psychologia pełni życia. Okres starzenia się i starości. 

Diagnoza medyczna zespołów otępiennych.

Psychologia rehabilitacji.

Rehabilitacja neuropsychologiczna.

Kontakt diagnostyczno-terapeutyczny z osobą z dysfunkcją CUN -  rola i zadania neuropsychologa. 

Warsztaty z neuropsychologii.

Psychologia Neurobiologiczna.

Praktyka ogólna.

Seminarium magisterskie: Poznawczo-emocjonalne funkcjonowanie człowieka  z  perspektywyneuropsychologii klinicznej 

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